An Adventure to Remember: Trekking the Kelo Mountains

A tale of friendship, laughter, and unexpected twists

The Journey Begins

It was the day we had been eagerly anticipating for what felt like ages – our trip to the Kelo mountains. My friends Hemant, Dharmendra, Naveen(1), another Naveen(2), and I, Semant, were all geared up to witness the sunrise from the mountaintop. Excitement filled the air as we embarked on our adventure, but little did we know, hilarity awaited us just around the corner.

The Bus Mishap

Our journey kicked off with a dose of comedy when Hemant and the two Naveen(1) missed their bus by a mere two minutes! Talk about bad timing! But hey, every great adventure has its hiccups, right? So, after a slightly delayed start, we all finally converged at our meeting point, raring to go, albeit a tad behind schedule.

The Unexpected Detour

Now, this is where things took an interesting turn. Instead of sticking to our original route, we decided to spice things up a bit and take a different path up the mountain. Spoiler alert: it was a recipe for disaster! The trail turned out to be rough and steep, testing our climbing skills and our sense of humor in equal measure.


Hilarity Ensues

As we trudged along, our group dynamics came alive with each step. Hemant and Naveen(2) were like two hyperactive monkeys, bouncing around and making a ruckus, while Dharmendra and the other Naveen(1) preferred to soak in the tranquility of nature. And then there was me, just soaking in the beauty of it all, oblivious to the comedy unfolding around me.

The Feathered Surprise

Amidst the chaos and laughter, we stumbled upon a majestic black feather, a gem hidden in the rough terrain. It was such a sight that we couldn't resist capturing the moment in countless photos, despite already being scratched up from our misadventures. Ah, the things we do for the 'gram!

The Summit and Shenanigans

After what felt like an eternity of climbing, we finally reached the mountaintop, greeted by a view that stole our breath away. The sun-kissed peaks stretched as far as the eye could see, painting a picture-perfect panorama that seemed straight out of a postcard. But the real entertainment began when we decided to cook some Maggi noodles to refuel. Before indulging in our delicious snack, we made sure to clean up all our cooking supplies and any trash we had brought with us. Hemant, in his excitement, transformed into a pot-stealing Maggi monkey, much to our amusement! Laughter echoed through the mountains as we indulged in snacks and silly poses, creating memories that would last a lifetime.


The Unplanned Descent

Eventually, reality beckoned, and we reluctantly began our descent, opting for a different route to explore a waterfall along the way. Little did we know, our adventurous spirit would lead us into a jungle maze of confusion! Lost but not defeated, we relied on the magic of Google Maps to find our way out, adding another hilarious chapter to our escapade.

The Jungle Odyssey

Navigating through the jungle, we encountered nature's quirks at every turn – venomous spiders, enchanting butterflies, and curious mushrooms that tempted our taste buds (though we wisely refrained). Amidst the chaos, Hemant had a close encounter with the river, courtesy of an unexpected tumble, earning himself a dunk and a hilarious memory to cherish!


The Animal Fiasco

As if our adventure couldn't get any crazier, Hemant managed to step right into a pile of animal feces! The stench was unbearable, but amidst our laughter, we helped him clean up in the river, turning an unfortunate mishap into another unforgettable moment.

The Slippery Slope

On our way back to civilization, we encountered a slippery slope near the river. Despite our best efforts to stay upright, we couldn't help but succumb to the laws of gravity, slipping and sliding like a bunch of amateur ice skaters. It was a hilarious sight, and we couldn't stop laughing even as we picked ourselves up, bruised but still smiling.

The Return and Revelry

By the time we emerged from the jungle, it was already mid-morning, and our schedule was as off-track as a Bollywood plot twist. But hey, who can resist the call of home-cooked fritters and the warmth of friendship? We feasted, clicked a mandatory selfie, and bid farewell to our epic adventure, hearts full and spirits soaring.